Visiting Tokyo’s Ghibli Museum

8:30 Met with French speaking guide at hotel ,located inside of Yamanote line circle.
9:45 Transfer to the Ghibli Museum at Mitaka by public transportations
10:00 世界中のフアンを魅了するジブリ美術館見学をお楽しみ下さい

12:00 Terminating it’s visit.
Return to the Kichijoji station while strolling through Inokashira Park
13:15 Break up at foods and boutiques arcade near the station

Tour materialization
2-4 pax only as its tickets availability is very limited
One or Two months in advance booking .
Before booking,please send us your email … check an availavility.
Guide,rentrance and public transfer fees are included.
No lunch nor beverages are included.
100% charge upon ticket confirmation.
your entrance time will be altered from 10:00 to 12:00,14:00or 16:00 upon reservation without notice.
close on Tuesday.
¥18,000 JPY per person(tax excluded).